My family will be traveling to Meridian Idaho for christmas. It's a 7 hour drive, and we will be listening to an audio book on the way. Right now it's between The Glass Castle, which is one of my favorite books of all time, and House Rules by Judi Picoult.
Since we are leaving Thursday and will be packing tomorrow we opened our family gifts today and yesterday. So it was a good thing I went shopping today.
Some things I gave....
My Brother (who is 18)
Maximo Headphones - so far so good - he says they sound great
And an enormous jaw breaker since it was his favorite candy as a kid.
He seems happy about it all, but I'm not finished. Tomorrow I will be out with the crazy last minute shoppers getting him a video game.
My Mom
She is chinese. I will probably blog about her later, but I had to tell you so this gift would make sense.
A Jade Necklace
& a cast iron tea pot - I was told by the workers of Teavana that tea tastes much better when steeped in a cast iron tea pot. So I saved some money and purchased this one at World Market. I bought this, but it's really from my dad (he filled my gas tank today)
My Dad
Alright so this is a combined gift for my mom and my dad, but my dad is way more into this.
A Wii (yes we played last night and it was great)
These two Wii games (I highly recommend) We had a blast playing these and I must say it was pretty hilarious watching my dad and boyfriend dance.
(In case you were wondering I hold the high scores in both games!)
My Boyfriend
We haven't exchanged gifts yet. I'll probably blog about it tomorrow. I would say what I got him, but since a big part of the blog is our relationship I'll save it for tomorrow.
My parents got my boyfriend a GPS and a gift card to Applebees. It's perfect because he is always getting lost when he is driving anywhere & he loves to eat out.
Here are some things I got for christmas:
These awesome Nike Shoes that I can use Nike + with.
All of my other shoes have been pink. I like these in blue though. It fits my sporty running side.
I'll start my running again soon. I was running 5-6 miles a day up until November when life got busy. I'll explain in later blogs.
A coach wallet (I needed one to fit in my cross-body coach purse. It's pretty small and I love it. I really hate carrying things, but cross-body's make it easy and now I have a cute wallet that fits right in it.
I got some cash as well, which is always awesome.
I also got some other small things.